(I am replying to George's comment, but it is not intended as a personal
complaint. It just set me off. The "Bathtub Curve." It reminded me that its
not a useful graphic for understanding Li ion cell life and failure modes.
It is a characteristic of electronic assemblies and other products that
tend to have initial failures which can be captured by a burn in process, a
lengthy period where few in the population fail, and period of higher
failure rate at end of life (batteries have fewer early life, burn in
catchable issues) ).

A main point Jeff Dahn makes, which few seem to get, is that long
charge/discharge cycling tests are a waste of resources and provide poor
information for development and end use design, or for manufacturing or
incoming material quality control. I think they might be good marketing
material, but little else. I am sorry so many people spend so much time
performing them and trying to analyze them.

What Dahn's lab does is create very steady conditions at temperatures and C
that actually cause damage. They measure and control conditions that are
orders of magnitude that are more closely held than what it typically done.
They subject the cells to those conditions and only stop to evaluate the
coulombic efficiency. Coulombic efficiency (High Precision Coulometry) is
obtained by 'simply' counting charges in and out of the cells to see if the
count falls off due to degradation of the electrodes and electrolyte. Novonix
<http://www.novonix.ca/high-precision-coulometry/>makes the equipment for
commercial sale. Specs include "coulombic efficiency measurements with an
accuracy better than 40 ppm and low noise." They present efficiency to 4
significant digits.

A test cycle for them might be to charge to near 100% SOC at a constant
high temperature (for the particular cell), hold for days. then discharge
and charge anew counting the charges out and in. Coulombic Efficiency is
the resulting charge count compared to the initial charge count. Once
damage becomes sensible they might discharge and charge more often to get a
more granular view of the deterioration.

You can't directly correlate these tests to traditional test life cycles,
but you can do excellent work at figuring out what is actually going wrong
or right in a relatively short period of time.

In the YouTube video of his Waterloo presentation, "Why Li ion batteries die
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxP0Cu00sZs&t=1s>," he makes a damning
exposition of how long charge/discharge testing provides information, but
not what you want to know.  During a traditional charge/discharge cycle
almost no time is spent dwelling at the conditions that damage a cell.
(Keep in mind too that there is no universal test spec where damage
starts,; every cell configuration and chemistry has slightly different
damage thresholds.) *You can cycle a very long time and learn that, if you
don't damage a cell, it is not damaged.* Whoopee! But then you can claim,
"we cycled these cells at this temp, to this SOC, and for this cycle
frequency, for this many cycles."

Sounds great unless truly know what operating conditions cause problems for
the particular cell specification, and the test never dwells at those
conditions. Many test conditions are chosen to make a comparison with some
other manufacturers cells that are different in every significant way.  But
it sounds like a valid comparison. How many people actually demand to see
cycling tests results and try to make sense of them? It doesn't take long
before you know you are spinning your wheels.

*What causes problems in the cells is being fully charged and at too high a
temperature.* A typical cycle might spend a percent or less of a complete
cycle at those conditions. Or never even reach damaging conditions at all.
Why? Because with traditional testing if you hold at the charge level you
think is 100% SOC, you are not cycling and cycling is the point. Your goal
is to tell the customer the cells can go such and such cycles and
extrapolate way out for an total life cycle spec. It is entirely possible
to take very good cell and ruin it in 10 cycles and yet have test results
that claim 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 cycle life and not be lying; it is just
not useful information.

So the Dalhousie folks first test a chemistry to* find out the conditions
that are problematic* - the temperature and SOC where things go south.
Then they tweak cell construction, electrolyte additives, etc. and* test
them under DAMAGING CONDITIONS*, which can reduce test time to a manageable
few weeks to get results they can repeat, and that can be compared to other
configurations and combinations of additives, etc.

It is the difference between finding out what is wrong and fixing it, and
spending time an effort fruitlessly, but being able to claim a useless but
good sounding result.

And there you have it ...why we keep arguing over cycle counts and
anecdotal evidence about the veracity of those tests, and their
practicality.  We end up falling prey to our confirmation biases and
shrugging off the uncertainty of it all because the whole boneheaded
tradition is confusing at best.

Learn what the best people have learned, and stop thinking the old ways.

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 5:59 AM George Tyler via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> From my experience, we had an in-house test company that ran independently,
> we wanted to know the truth, results are not released to the public but
> used
> to improve reliability. The name of the company is at stake. When I see
> something like a cell phone company that has battery fires I know it's
> either a mickey mouse company, or someone did not do their job properly!
> There is nothing to be gained by "fudging" results....
>         component failure should follow a "bath tub" shape, on a graph of
> failure rate on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal. The shape can
> tell a lot about product quality, you are testing many samples, and they
> should lie on the same curve. Bad production methods or bad component
> quality can be indicated by a spread in different ways. We also tested
> components like the SCR's used in the same manner, we ran 70A SCR's at over
> 1000 amps, tested many samples for months like that, also tested spade
> terminals used in the products.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: EV [mailto:ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org] On Behalf Of Lee Hart via EV
> Sent: 13 September, 2018 4:46 PM
> To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
> Cc: Lee Hart
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Large Format Cells vs. Small Format Cells for EVs
> Michael Ross via EV wrote:
> > Yeah, I wouldn't say prove either. But testing can be far better than the
> > old tried, and not very good cycling tests.
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Michael E. Ross
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