The video does not specify what went wrong to cause the first cell(s) into 
thermal runaway and catch on fire.
The Tesla Li cells may potentially do that if (internally) shorted due to 
manufacturing defect or failure to maintain them within required voltage range.
The cells may have been charged before placing them into the vehicle, 
especially if the pack was low beforehand it is tempting to put a charge on 
them for fear of them going dead, or the pack module may have rested on some 
metal parts (rear diff or frame support) that touched the pack in more than one 
place and shorted it. I hope Rich will post another update on the car to tell 
the whole story. 
It is easy for a dead pack (which has high internal resistance) to share 
charging voltage unevenly, causing some cells to get excessive voltage due to 
those cells being the *lowest* in Soc, highest in resistance and thus get the 
most charge voltage. The other thing of cause is that the pack may have 
discharged to the point that some cells were at zero (or even reversed, which 
is even more damaging) while still in the dead Tesla and then charged without 
BMS before being placed in the car. But that is all speculation right now. Fact 
is that at least 1 cell had a thermal runaway, started spitting fire and 
eventually the entirely of the two modules burned in a spectacular fireworks 
spitting burning cells in all directions…

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Matthew Quitter via EV
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2018 9:40 AM
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Cc: Matthew Quitter
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Tesla battery cells (no BMS) burst into flame...

I still don’t know what actually caused the fault. 

From what I watched on the video and previous ones on that project they’re 
still in the preliminary planning stages.  It appears the pack was not 
connected to anything, just placed in the car. Is that correct?

Which would suggest it spontaneously failed - something I’ve never heard of and 
tell customers never happens. Worrying as I have 10 Tesla Model S modules 
sitting waiting to go into a couple projects!

Perhaps there was a defect in the module? Or it was removed from its plastic 
casing and rested against something conductive?!

I would like to know what actually caused the initial failure before thermal 


London Electric Cars

> On 4 Dec 2018, at 17:15, EVDL Administrator via EV <> wrote:
> Not that I want to start an argument, but IMO those folks who say "I don't 
> need no stinkin' BMS!" should be required to watch the hot action part of 
> that video clip at least once -- just so they give it a little more thought.
> The "live ammo" question from the firefighters is telling.  It DID look and 
> sound like that.  There's a spectacular amount of energy in those little 
> lithium cells, and it can do unsettling things when it's released all at 
> once.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
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