I thank Paul for watching the stream all the way through (that saved me
time, and from using up valuable isp data).

Years ago, I was turned off by evtv's onscreen drunken blathering, and also
like David, I read a lot faster than wading through a (snail paced by 
comparison) video  (admittedly I'm one of those that sets the cc
(close-caption) on youtube and the video to its fasted playback speed).

Perhaps listening to a stream is cool/good for some while they (partially)
 multi-task, but keep in mind, I need-to be able to read fast to go through
 all the news items my searches find each day (multiple times a day).

I did a search on  tesla conspiracy

 which found 

 which is based on evtv's

 It opinionatedly wanders here and there, but basically is in support of 
 Lawrence inferred, & what Paul's coworkers had concluded: it's Tesla vs Big

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