I am down to one car and it is an EV.  Granted it is a Tesla Model 3 Long
Range with about 300 miles of range.

I make no excuses and simply say that I can reach any part of the United
States electrically (except Hawaii).  Yes, I can reach Alaska as this has
already been accomplished; several times.  I make adjustments to allow for
overnight and Supercharging along any route I plan.  So far, I do not see
any obstacles to reaching any destination in the USA if I want to.
Granted, it does not "refill"  in less than 5 minutes but when we do
recharge, we use that time to go to the Rest Rooms, order a bite to eat,
look at the route ahead, dispose of our trash, unplug and get back on the
road; give or take 5 minutes or so.

For overnight recharging, most motels have rechargers that recharge
reasonably at 25 miles per hour for a reasonable fee.  So an overnight stay
of 14 hours (4PM to 8 AM) would add 350 miles, if I had a pack that large.
In the rare incidences where I am in SE Oregon or SW Kansas (dearth of
Superchargers), there are plenty of KOA camp grounds etc. with Level 2
rechargers; enough to reach a Supercharger or recharge but with overnight

Back home, I usually plug in when I arrive home but there are several days
when I have not plugged in.  Back home, I never worry about running out of
juice.  If I come close, I can think about installing a Level 2 and never
look back.

Ask an ICE driver if they ever fear of running out of gasoline (or
diesel).  How come?  The answer is that they know where the stations are
and look at their gas gauge.  It is no different with an EV.  You look at
the charge remaining and look for a Supercharger or head for a motel with
Level 2 charging.  There are so many electrical receptacles in the US, they
are more plentiful than gasoline stations.

I love driving electrically and simply "Love it".  I am not going to kowtow
to some ICE driver who is not amenable to rethinking **how** they refuel.

Once you have driven electrically, it's very hard to go back to an ICE.

If I had a Leaf or a Bolt (I still technically own a Bolt but I "gave" it
to my son to use as a commuter vehicle).  (He no longer uses his Kia Forte
for his 37 mile one way commute.)  I might be more reticent with my

As EV develop and our usage of crude oil wanes, I think we shall see longer
range EVs with faster charge times and cheaper packs.

Just my 2 cents...

Peter Eckhoff

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 6:48 PM Willie via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> On 7/9/20 3:28 PM, Peri Hartman via EV wrote:
> > How about an answer more like, "my primary car is the EV. A few times a
> > year, I need to go further than its range, so I use car X." Deflect the
> > question, like a "good" politician :)
> Tesla is now dominating the EV market.  With very good reason.  Range is
> no longer an issue; most are 300 mile cars, some 400, none below 200.
> Charging is no longer an issue.  Most everyone is within 50 miles of a
> SuperCharger and SuperChargers are (intelligently) spaced about 100
> miles apart on essentially all major routes.  You can go essentially
> ANYWHERE in the country, averaging 50+ mph, on SuperChargers.
> Claim Teslas are "too expensive" if you wish.  New ones can be bought
> for less than $40k.  Sadly, they hold their resale value well and you
> have difficulty find used ones for less than $20k.
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