The naysayers can always argue against anything that doesn't fit the usual 
paradigm of heavy = safe. But if you put the solar on your roof you are limited 
to that area and you can't gain energy while driving. What gives me hope 
instantly is 4 generations of this vehicle have be built and were winners. The 
last two generations were reduced in KW both in battery and panels because of 
the outstanding performance during the challenge. I suspect the basic design 
might be adopted as a van. Possibly a Van could be engineered to be light 
enough and big enough for the energy collected to be meaningful. The Stella 
vehicles can charge in 10 hours . They could gain 200 miles a day just sitting 
in one place then driven another 200 miles again and again. Or they could drive 
45 mph most of the day infinitely.  The other thing that gives me hope is every 
time I talk to one of my Tesla company friends(engineers)about the possibility 
of a solar car they clam up like their job was in danger. Musk has never talked 
about the practical aspects of producing a truly solar vehicle. Tesla and Musk 
are averse about their future projects. Talk about disruption. Imagine if a 
practical solar car could be built?  I want one. Lawrence Rhodes
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