On 16 Mar 2021 at 19:29, (-Phil-) via EV wrote:

> I have literally touched thousands of salvage Teslas ... there is a very
> high success rate. (>99%)   Many of these cars are no longer connected
> to Tesla's servers, and operate just fine. 

That's good news!  

> I have created a new backend replacement for Tesla's "mothership" that
> allows the same functionality that a connected car offers.  

Is it server software that could be installed anywhere?  Could a Tesla owner 
install it on his own internet-connected computer, and then crack the 
Tesla's software so the Tesla speaks only with that computer?  

> I can assure you that a Tesla will still drive fine even if it can't "phone
> home".  Of course, you lose some of the connected features.

Again, good news.

> Surprisingly, once you have access to the internal diagnostic data,
> Teslas are easy and fun to work on ...Too bad that Tesla works REALLY
> hard to keep that secret and unavailable to their customers. 

I hope that Tesla don't either find a way to block that access, or take some 
kind of legal action against you.  They may have the DMCA on their side, 

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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     of history.
                              -- Frank Herbert, "Dune" 
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