"that the grid can't handle" is just another example of market distortion.
It is a choice of the market, not to say "the grid can't handle so much
generation of non-RE."

There is a lag in response of the market when you build a gas plant or a
nuke that can't be turned down when the cost leans toward RE. A decades
long distortion.

Again the consumer pays. Because this lost flexibility is cooked in The
gain of economy of scale a maybe archaic large generation facility has a
hidden cost of preventing cleaner less costly, more flexible, but weirdly
time constrained RE generation.

I think H2 might be useful as a storage medium. Lots of inefficiency, but
on a large scale it has merit. Better than turning down or shutting off a
clean cheap generation means.

On Wed, Sep 1, 2021, 10:22 AM Peri Hartman via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> It could be that the grid can't handle any significant generation of PV
> energy. If it could, economics would dictate that excess PV energy would
> be sold, not shut down.
> The other possibility is this will produce an incentive to create
> hydrogen storage for excess PV energy. In my opinion, that's an
> excellent use for electrolysis plus either hydrogen turbines or fuel
> cells. Note, for this application, the hydrogen does not need to be
> compressed.
> Peri

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