> I said that. Lost power for three days back in the 90's when a tornado blew 
> through. Not worth
> investing a lot of money for 3 days every 25 years.

I agree it's not worth buying an EV JUST to use it as a backup power source.  
However, most people buy EVs to drive.  When deciding which EV to buy, one that 
has the capability of powering your house in an emergency situation might just 
be a deciding factor for many people.

FWIW I moved my critical loads (Fridge/Freezer, HVAC, etc.) to a new subpanel 
with a transfer switch so that I could power my critical loads from my EVs 
during a power outage.
Once we go off-grid this setup will allow me to get by with a smaller house 
battery. Even if we get an extended period of low sunshine, either of my EVs 
could power my critical loads for a week or two, which is more than long enough 
wait out the stormy weather.
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