On 28 Feb 2022 at 16:35, Peri Hartman via EV wrote:

> Taiga snowmobiles start at about $17,490 

Perhaps they, or someone here, could tell me how that compares with an ICE 
snowmobile's cost.  I haven't a clue.  

Oh wait, I see later on:

> the company estimates that its electric snowmobiles are priced about
> $2,000 to $2,500 higher than gas equivalents. 

The company *estimates*?  They don't *know*?  

That seems like something they'd want to investigate well enough to know, 
but who am I to say?

> Snowmobiles in the United States consumed almost 150 million gallons of
> gasoline in 2020, the Federal Highway Administration estimated.
> Nonhighway motorcycles used more than 216 million gallons and
> all-terrain vehicles another 382 million. Boating guzzled a whopping
> 2.3 billion gallons. Combined, thatTMs the equivalent to the
> planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions of nearly 6 million cars
> operating for a year. 

The EIA says that US transportation use of gasoline was 123 billion gallons 
in 2020.  So the above would save roughly 2.9% of the use, IF they could 
replace all of them.   

That's not exactly dramatic, but it's not insignificant either.  

Also, boating uses more fuel (and thus emits more carbon) than I would have 
thought.  Hmm.

This would also reduce noise pollution, which is a not-inconsiderable matter 
with those nefarioius machines.

> Small gasoline engines can also be outsize contributors of other
> pollutants, such as smog and unburned gasoline 

That's rather odd language, and it makes me wonder how well informed the 
writer is.  

ICEs don't themselves emit smog, though I suspect that 2-strokes might emit 
more particulates than 4-stroke (I'm speculating about that).  However, smog 
actually is made in the atmosphere.  It comes from *2* products of ICE fuel 
combustion, especially in engines with minimal or no emission controls. 
Unburned hydrocarbons combine with oxides of nitrogen in sunlight (UV) to 
produce smog.

> burgeoning electric recreation industry 

I hope they're right about that.  Maybe there are places where it's so. 

Around here, my impression is that many of the fine gentlemen who run their 
snowmobiles and ATVs up and down our road and across my neighbor's back 
property aren't the sort who'd have much interest in electric versions.  
Sometimes I think that for them, the noise and stink are features, not bugs.

Regardless, I wish Taiga the best.  It's a laudable goal, and I'm pleased to 
see any effort to replace ICEVs with EVs.

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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     A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. 
     It's where the rich use public transportation. 

                                    -- Gustavo Petro 
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