I've been looking into both Thunderstruck and Orion BMS docs.
One interesting doc is from Orion - describing the possible issues with parallel strings (which I will have), and some possible mitigation strategies.
I'm thinking about the one on page 14 - Paralleled strings with two separate DC busses Since I'll have 2 strings, this would entail a couple more contactors and some BIG diodes. a pair of 300A+ ones for the discharge side, and a pair of 50A ones on the charge side.  (probably about $100 of diodes from digikey)

Though, I'm not sure i'd use contactors on the charger side, instead I'd just have it shut the charger off and notify me that it happened. (hmm, might allow a single string to shut off - but if the 2nd string does it would shut the charger down instead.)

An Orion (pair) could shutdown each side independently, the Thunderstruck can probably only shutdown one side.

Any thoughts on either system, or the parallel string setup?

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