I'll give my opinion on where EV charges should be located.

The principal factor is the rate of charge. Currently, that's at least 20 minutes for most cars and possibly an hour or more. You might recall my recent experience with the Bolt (overall very good) where it took over an hour for 25% to 85%.

Until we have rates of charge that allow 10 minutes for charging, I don't really want to have to wait at a filling station convenience store. It only takes about 10 minutes to use the restroom and maybe buy something. Why would I want to stay any longer at such a horrid location ?

Instead, chargers need to be located where people can usefully spend some time. That may be at the grocery, a shopping center, a park, highway rest areas, a walkable neighborhood, a tourist destination, for example. Then you can painlessly wait as long as needed for your charge.


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------ Original Message ------
From: "EV List Lackey via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Cc: "EV List Lackey" <evp...@drmm.net>
Sent: 31-Oct-23 17:43:13
Subject: Re: [EVDL] bp orders $100 million worth of Tesla EV chargers

On 31 Oct 2023 at 13:06, EV@TucsonEV via EV wrote:

 Looks like the gassers are going to start sharing their territory with us

I'd rather see them make money on EV charging than continue to fight EVs -
though they may well do both.

Colocating EV charging with filling stations has been going on here for some
time.  I think it makes sense but would be interested in hearing arguments
to the contrary.

In early March 2020 - just before the lockdown - I stopped at a couple of
autoroute aires (service plazas) on my way up to Paris in a rented ICEV.
Both aires had EVs charging across the tarmac from the fuel pumps.

Also, since 2021, Total, a major oil and gas vendor, has been going in for
EV charging in a pretty substantial way.  They're adding fast DC charging to
their autoroute filling stations, and to some others in cities and rural
areas.  The number is now approaching 200 in France alone.  The first
charging points installed were 175kW.  I think I recall reading that the
most recent ones are 350kW.

We haven't needed any of these yet but will probably be glad they're
available when we do - though it's reputed to be some of the nation's most
expensive public EV charging.  For example, a km worth of their charging in
a Zoe EV costs about what a km worth of petrol does in a similar ICEV Clio.

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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