I find it difficult to believe that we are once again being drawn into the
argument that the grid cannot support the demand for EV's.
Society has been in this situation several times since the early 1900's.
With each new electrical product's popularity (televisions, refrigerators,
air conditioners, hot tubs, washers and dryers, motorhomes, Mcmansions,
housing developments, fast food restaurants, factories, etc), the same
fearful cry was heard. Development of "the grid" has been ahead of demand
in the majority of markets,  as they are a business that wants to sell as
much of their products as possible. Even when the demand levels off,
utilities are continuously upgrading the equipment with more efficient
devices to maximize output utilizing the same foot print ( fenced in
facilities, usually).
Most vehicles use around the same amount of electricity per charge as
running a dryer for a couple of cycles (how many people think twice about
doing that?).
Just my 2 watts worth,
Tom True

On Sat, Nov 4, 2023, 5:32 PM EV@TucsonEV via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Well, once again, it looks like the thread has strayed from EV's into
> politics...
> Best regards,
> Rush Dougherty
> TucsonEV
> 1014 E King St
> Tucson AZ 85719
> 520 240 7493
> www.TucsonEV.com
>   EV List Lackey wrote -
> > "To understand the Republican party, or the Democratic party, for that
> matter,
> it is
> > most efficient to look directly at the clients -- or as political
> scientist
> Thomas
> > Ferguson would call them, the 'major investors.'
> > On that level, the ideological contradictions are unimportant. Political
> parties do
> > function as mediating institutions, just not for voters."
> >
> > -- William Greider, "Who Will Tell the People"
> Well, once again, it looks like the thread has strayed from EV's into
> politics...
> Best regards,
> Rush Dougherty
> TucsonEV
> www.TucsonEV.com
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