Umm, in what way is Tesla "slipping"?  Sales are still climbing - fast.
Yeah, they don't have a EV econobox out, and BYD does.  (also note that BYD lumps their Hybrid sales in with the EV sales - so it's hard to tell if their EV's are profitable yet.) Since EV's are pretty much a huge self-propelled smart phone - whose software would you rather be using?  Chinese lowest-bidder-at-any-cost, or something written to work well. (Apple, Google, Tesla)

On 11/20/2023 9:28 AM, Mark Laity-Snyder via EV wrote:
  It is sad that Tesla has not lived up to their promises to have a $25K car 
available.  That would be the nails in the coffin for the ICEVs.  I guess they 
have decided that they would rather make $$$$ rather than kill ICEVs.
Not just a Model X slipping into the sea at a Florida boat launch recently
(look it up if you haven't read about it), but in worldwide sales.

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