On Sat, 2008-11-08 at 12:15 +0100, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> Hi Roberto,
> Am 08.11.2008 um 06:10 schrieb Roberto Allende:
> >> Here are my proposals.
> >> 1. True international homepage
> >> We need to have a multilingual website called worldploneday.org,  
> >> so that each national team can translate announcements and infos  
> >> into their national language and refer to it in their national PR.
> > when we started the wpd i thought it could be a good idea to have a  
> > site for wpd, but as the organization moved forward i change my  
> > mind. There are good reasons to keep the global communication in  
> > plone.org:
> >
> > 1. All the effort of the wpd should be in the local events.  
> > Following this argument, if you need a site, you should create one  
> > for your country or city, and when you promote the wpd in your  
> > country, you should use your site. If you need 'global' elements,  
> > you can add a google map and stuff like this we made already. Doing  
> > smt like this, every host has the freedom to do what it considers  
> > necessary and we don't force to have the same content translated to  
> > all the languages. The people who attended the wpd in my country  
> > got informed through our user group site, not the global place...  
> > so it's more important to invest time on the local version rather  
> > the global one,
> >
> > 2. Effort and resources. The wpd 2008 page was very simple, and  
> > still it took me too much time. We should need more people to do a  
> > global site, hosting and so on. Until we don't have a matre event i  
> > wouldn't invest resources on it.
> >
> > 3. Bringing people to plone.org or your local site is good. I like  
> > the idea of having the global event page few clicks close to the  
> > download plone button, or even the local one (we used plone cono  
> > sur page to promote wpd in our region).  This is a good way to  
> > promote your local job, in our case, to promote our Plone user group.
> >
> These are good reasons. What I imagined was a site, where local  
> groups can directly add their info, programme etc. That would reduce  
> the amount of work done by you and others, who must keep a central  
> page up-to-date. Posting on plone.org is not easy. Therefore I  
> thought it would be easier to have a wpd-page where more people have  
> access to.
> Of course we can promote the wpd on any local page like  
> worldploneday.de or zope.de, but this would be an "isolated" page. If  
> a journalist takes a look at it, he sees a handful of wpd-events in  
> Germany. He won't understand the global impact of the wpd at once. A  
> google map might give him a hint, but I am not sure…
> If everyone adds his event to a central wpd.org summing up all  
> events, summing up all presentations and talks would be easy. And all  
> the work would be done by local activists. If we all use our own  
> page, information is spread over 20 or more sites around the world.

+1 I agree that a central worldploneday.org site is definitely better
for the reasons outlined above.

> >> 2. Refining target group
> >> We discovered that a great percentage of our participants were  
> >> people who already heard of Plone before or even uses it already.  
> >> So it is good to have a mixture of basic talks like »What Is  
> >> Plone?« or »The Plone Community«, but you definitely need some  
> >> presentations for an advanced audience, for people who already  
> >> know Plone and its community.
> >
> > WPD should be an event to meet new people. I would suggest refining  
> > the communication instead. In our country most of the attendees  
> > were new people. And the 'old' ones cames to meet the new people.  
> > How you promote the event locally will impact the people you bring.
> >
> I must admit that we made too less noise, because the wpd came too  
> late for our planning, so next year we will have a lot more  
> communication, which certainly will be targeted to new people.
> But there will always be many people who used Plone for a year or  
> used Zope some five years ago, or had already done some evaluation  
> and now wants to see, what is going on behind the doors. I was lucky  
> that we were prepared for these people by chance and wanted to share  
> our experience.
> >
> > we need more help here. Gerry made a great job, but we should have  
> > more people assisting him.
> >
> Yes, all marketing is local. We have several communities in Germany  
> which I would like to conquer. ;-)
> > Considering it was the first edition, i think it was a great event,  
> > so it is great you sent feedback because we need it to define the  
> > goals for wpd 2009.
> Absolutely. It was really great!
> > Also the numbers, if you can send us how many people attended in  
> > Germany i would thank you a lot!
> >
> I hope to get the numbers after the weekend. Do we collect it anywere  
> in a survey?
> juh
> -- 
> Business: http://hasecke.com --- Private: http://hasecke.eu --- Blog:  
> http://www.sudelbuch.de --- History: www.generationenprojekt.de ---  
> Europe: www.wikitution.org
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