
I had mentioned this Sharepoint cost calculator link when adding to Francesco's blog post comparing Plone and Sharepoint too. Besides the cost factor, it couldn't hurt you to re-read his (two-part?) blog post regarding the Plone vs. Sharepoint comparison.

I had helped a for-profit university evaluate commercial CMS tools a few years ago and they chose RedDot. At the time, the price for their .Net-based CMS plus their Java-based personalized portal delivery engine, plus a 'Quick Start' where a small portion of the website was themed/implemented was to run about $330K in US$.

Teamsite was in that evaluation as well, and their offering is broken up into many modules, so it's harder to compare, but this client would have paid a bit more for what they needed from IWOV than what the RedDot (now OpenText) price was, even. Probably not a lot more, though.

Seems like the bigger players such as Autonomy/Interwoven/Teamsite, OpenText/Vignette, etc. are in the 350-500K US$ range by the time you buy licenses for not only your production servers, but also development and/or staging.

Not to mention that the per-hour integrator rates I was seeing were in the $175+/hr range US$, which is 30-40% more than most Plone shops will charge.

Plus, you should build a comparison that looks at year 2, 3, etc. With the commercial tools, the client will be paying 20%/year of license cost just to keep up with patches/upgrades, no on-site services, just emergency support, access to the online knowledge base, forums, etc. If you do a 3-year Total Cost of Ownership comparison, I can't imagine the other tools, even Sharepoint, coming close to Plone on a financial basis, but others would disagree.


Nate Aune wrote:
i don't know about Reddot or Teamsite, but the Sharepoint calculator can be used to determine the total cost of ownership if you have to buy all the user licenses and software licenses for the other dependent Microsoft products.

found via Cynapse blog:


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Virginia Choy < <>> wrote:


    Does anyone have any documentation about total cost of ownership
    or general cost comparisons between deploying Plone, Sharepoint,
    Teamsite,, RedDot or any other proprietary enterprise solution?

    Thanks Virginia

    Virginia Choy
    Business Development Manager
    PretaWeb - Plone Open Source Enterprise Web Solutions
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