Also, TCO usually means "we couldn't find any other way to justify the cost
of our product, and we're taking a beating in the market right now, so we
made up* this totally arbitrary calculation that shows our competitor as
being harder to use / weird to set up / too communist."

* aka. "paid a company to make charts"

At least that's what usually happens when Microsoft starts touting TCO
numbers. ;)

Alexander Limi ยท

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Ken Wasetis [Contextual Corp.] <> wrote:

> Virginia,
> I had mentioned this Sharepoint cost calculator link when adding to
> Francesco's blog post comparing Plone and Sharepoint too.  Besides the cost
> factor, it couldn't hurt you to re-read his (two-part?) blog post regarding
> the Plone vs. Sharepoint comparison.
> I had helped a for-profit university evaluate commercial CMS tools a few
> years ago and they chose RedDot.  At the time, the price for their
> .Net-based CMS plus their Java-based personalized portal delivery engine,
> plus a 'Quick Start' where a small portion of the website was
> themed/implemented was to run about $330K in US$.
> Teamsite was in that evaluation as well, and their offering is broken up
> into many modules, so it's harder to compare, but this client would have
> paid a bit more for what they needed from IWOV than what the RedDot (now
> OpenText) price was, even.  Probably not a lot more, though.
> Seems like the bigger players such as Autonomy/Interwoven/Teamsite,
> OpenText/Vignette, etc. are in the 350-500K US$ range by the time you buy
> licenses for not only your production servers, but also development and/or
> staging.
> Not to mention that the per-hour integrator rates I was seeing were in the
> $175+/hr range US$, which is 30-40% more than most Plone shops will charge.
> Plus, you should build a comparison that looks at year 2, 3, etc.  With the
> commercial tools, the client will be paying 20%/year of license cost just to
> keep up with patches/upgrades, no on-site services, just emergency support,
> access to the online knowledge base, forums, etc.
> If you do a 3-year Total Cost of Ownership comparison, I can't imagine the
> other tools, even Sharepoint, coming close to Plone on a financial basis,
> but others would disagree.
> -Ken
> Nate Aune wrote:
>> i don't know about Reddot or Teamsite, but the Sharepoint calculator can
>> be used to determine the total cost of ownership if you have to buy all the
>> user licenses and software licenses for the other dependent Microsoft
>> products.
>> found via Cynapse blog:
>> Nate
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Virginia Choy <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>    Hi,
>>    Does anyone have any documentation about total cost of ownership
>>    or general cost comparisons between deploying Plone, Sharepoint,
>>    Teamsite,, RedDot or any other proprietary enterprise solution?
>>    Thanks Virginia
>>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>    Virginia Choy
>>    Business Development Manager
>>    PretaWeb - Plone Open Source Enterprise Web Solutions
>>    Suite 2, Level 6, 99 York Street, Sydney 2000 NSW Australia
>>    P: 612-8081-9072
>>    M: 0423-198-306
>>    W: <>
>>    Sales & Support: 02-9955-2830
>>    _______________________________________________
>>    Evangelism mailing list
>> <>
>> --
>> Nate Aune - <>
>> +1 (617) 517-4953
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