Hi Matt
Am 29.04.2011 um 08:50 schrieb Matt Hamilton:

You are right. With the new German Plone brochure – did you get some in Sorrento? – we cover exactly the target group "business" and "simply
mortals" interested in content management –

Yes, we did get some here. They are AMAZING! Really, really good job. Now
we need to start on translations ;)
nice to hear...;-)
of course!
I think our (Plone Community) current brochures (the one Netsight did and DZUG) perfectly match different audiences and together we address more!)

We need more media coverage from different angles. Matching points between messages on the joints on different channels should glue this to form a "sovereign" umbrella to reach wider audiences.

But! We constantly need to attract new developers as well. And not only
new developers but new young developers with cool ideas, full of
enthusiasm and the spirit to try out new things.

If we don't get them, maturity will be the last state before decay.

This is very true. However I think what we were saying last night was that the word 'Plone' (or 'zope') has been around for a while now, and so is (I think) perceived by some to be not that exciting. If we want to attract
more developers then I think we need to focus on a slightly different
tactic. Maybe showing some of the new cool technologies coming up, or
focus on the community itself.... I mean who *wouldn't* want to be sat
here on a nice warm evening in Sorrento sipping whisky with such an
amazing bunch of people ;)
The germans have the word of "old wine in new bottles". This is not a quality promise!

But experience makes clear that even experts taste cheap wine in brand bottles excellent (They may not even check if it is red or white).

Typo3 is having "Phoenix" as a brand for their next evolutional step.
Buzzwords are hot air but they work well for communication where the goal is to clamp the message to the symbol. Apple is using the Family of "The Kings of Cats" for nearly a decade to keep permanent "Tension" for the new. So we have to keep Plone but make permanent "Illusion of beeing straight ahead".

The renaming of the technologies to Diazo, Dexterity and Deco (3D) was a cool step with aliteration as an achnor in the brains. But we missed to throw the anchor not on our island but to fix him at the wings of a spaceship!

So I make a suggestion to rename future minor releases after Galaxies. To boldly go...

Lets have a strategy to Plone permanent "cool again!" (not only shortcoming tactics) We should not look to much after others. We need focusing our own strenght and make this our USP because WE believe in it. Apple does NO product/market research. They simply make a cool product for themself and TELL and SHOW it to everyone that it works and WHY.

The WPD in Germany this year, for example, was medium successful because we had local holidays. If we use a graphical overview over such data for planning we can avoid this for single Events. The other solution is to spread the local WPDs over one month to generate more constant noise. So the failure leads to improving by review. Lets use Plone to manage it, and tell the story LOUD.

Improving the communication quality inside our community and into the world is the key to gain acceptance.



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