Hello Elizabeth,

I briefly looked into this back in May and Galen provided an explanation - https://georgialibraries.markmail.org/search/?q=circulation+limit+sets#query:circulation%20limit%20sets%20order%3Adate-backward+page:1+mid:pucdi2tyzziqosvz+state:results

Tina tested and couldn't get it to work on our test server and we haven't tried again since.

It's on my list to test again and update the community docs but I haven't quite got there :)

Hope this helps,


Quoting Elizabeth Davis via Evergreen-general <evergreen-general@list.evergreen-ils.org>:


Does anyone have experience with Circulation Limit Groups? In the Circulation Limit Sets you can configure based on Circulation Modifier, Shelving Location and Linked Limit Groups. I found the Circulation Limit Group Configuration in Server administration, but that only asks for a name and a description. How do I define who/what is in the group?

[cid:image003.png@01D9210A.AAF23590]Elizabeth Davis (she/her), Support & Project Management Specialist
Pennsylvania Integrated Library System (PaILS) | SPARK
(717) 256-1627 | elizabeth.da...@sparkpa.org<mailto:katherine.dann...@sparkpa.org> support.sparkpa.org<https://support.sparkpa.org/> | supp...@sparkpa.org<mailto:supp...@sparkpa.org>

Jennifer Pringle (she/her)
Co-op Support - Training Lead
BC Libraries Cooperative
Toll-free: 1-888-848-9250
Website: http://bc.libraries.coop

Gratefully acknowledging that I live and work in the unceded Traditional Territory of the St'at'yemc Nations.

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