
That would cause the error. The folder should be owned by the opensrf user. There is a command that is run during the image setup:

- name: copy the oils_sip.xml
    become: true
    shell: cp {{ openils_path }}/conf/oils_sip.xml.example {{ openils_path }}/conf/oils_sip.xml && chown opensrf:opensrf -R {{ openils_path }}

(line 774)

This command should be changing the ownership to opensrf. It's a mystery that it's failing to do that. Unless your vars.yml doesn't have a value for "openils_path" ?


  openils_path: /openils

(line 44)

Just double checking: are you inside the container when you check the folder permissions?
# ll /openils

^^^^ that's executed in the container?

Conducting Magic
Will consume any data format

On 8/14/2023 3:40 PM, Vaclav Jansa wrote:

Hello Blake,
thank you for all your inputs.

I started today from scratch (to be sure).
generic-dockerhub is used (again) and all recommended edits are added to vars and Dockerfile. Issue still persists.

So here is time for some tee and ansible check

But from quick check is the problem in missing/not progressing chown. Everything is owned by root
# ll /openils
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  8 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:06 ./
drwxr-xr-x  1 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:18 ../
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:06 bin/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:10 conf/
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:06 include/
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:06 lib/
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:06 share/
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Aug 14 16:06 var/

But autogen task is running with opensrf

 - name: Run autogen
    become: true
    become_user: opensrf
      PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:{{openils_path}}/bin"
    shell:  export PATH=$PATH:{{openils_path}}/bin && {{openils_path}}/bin/ -u

I will try to repair it tomorrow.

Best regards


On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 10:36 PM Blake Henderson <> wrote:


    Which docker folder are you building?


    You should be building your container image from:

    (not generic-dockerhub-dev)

    Do you have anything defined in vars.yml for
    "shared_jackets_folder"? You shouldn't.

    Make sure you pull the most recent commit to the repository:

    cd eg-docker
    # if you've made changes to the repository, let's make sure
    everything is back to default:
    git clean -x -f -d

    git pull

    Check the vars.yml, make sure you have:
    ubuntu_version: focal
    evergreen_version: 3.11.1
    add_evergreen_language_support: no

    For troubleshooting, you can edit the Dockerfile such that it
    doesn't start Evergreen when the image runs:

    vi Dockerfile

    Comment out this line:

    # ENTRYPOINT cd /egconfigs && ansible-playbook
    evergreen_restart_services.yml -vvvv -e "hosts=" && while
    true; do sleep 1; done

    uncomment this line
    ENTRYPOINT while true; do sleep 1; done

    Rebuild your image:

    docker build --add-host public.localhost: --add-host
    public: --add-host private.localhost: --add-host
    private: . --no-cache

    Then run the resulting image

    docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 210:210 -p 6001:6001 -p
    32:22 -p 5433:5432 -h <>
    <image id>

    Login to the container:
    docker exec -it `docker ps -q` bash

    Since you commented out the ENTRYPOINT line, you'll need to run it
    by hand:

    cd /egconfigs && ansible-playbook evergreen_restart_services.yml
    -vvvv -e "hosts="

    If it has an error, at least the container doesn't die. You can
    investigate the folder permissions. And maybe fix whatever the
    issue is.

    Hopefully I've given you some ideas to try.

    Good luck!

    Conducting Magic
    Can consume data in any format

    On 8/13/2023 2:52 PM, Vaclav Jansa wrote:

    Hello Blake,
    docker image was build from Fridays clone of docker git.
    with command
    docker build . --add-host public.localhost: --add-host
    public: --add-host private.localhost:
    --add-host private: --no-cache

    Configuration file is attached,

    Failure is then reported almost at end of startup

    docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 210:210 -p 6001:6001 -p
    32:22 -p 5433:5432 -h
    <> 65d123dbd2ed

    in task Run autogen.

    Error is also attached.

    Many thanks for your check and all hints


    On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 4:19 AM Blake Henderson
    <> wrote:


        Which command did you use to produce that error?


        On Fri, Aug 11, 2023, 1:42 PM Vaclav Jansa via
        Evergreen-general <>

            Hello Blake and Jane,
            thanks for all the magic.

            We still try to solve multiple problems with
            localization. So image with enabled i18n will be better
            for us and our testing.

            Unfortunately our builded image does not start correctly
            / it reports some access issue

            fatal: []: FAILED! => {
            "changed": true,
            "cmd": "export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin &&
            /openils/bin/ -u",
            "delta": "0:00:00.005884",
            "end": "2023-08-11 14:29:36.772621",
            "invocation": {
            "module_args": {
            "_raw_params": "export PATH=$PATH:/openils/bin &&
            /openils/bin/ -u",
            "_uses_shell": true,
            "argv": null,
            "chdir": null,
            "creates": null,
            "executable": null,
            "removes": null,
            "stdin": null,
            "stdin_add_newline": true,
            "strip_empty_ends": true,
            "warn": true
            "msg": "non-zero return code",
            "rc": 1,
            "start": "2023-08-11 14:29:36.766737",
            "stderr": "mkdir: cannot create directory
            ‘/openils/var/web/opac/extras/ac’: Permission denied",
            "stderr_lines": [
            "mkdir: cannot create directory
            ‘/openils/var/web/opac/extras/ac’: Permission denied"
            "stdout": "Unable to write to
            /openils/var/web/opac/common/js, please check\nUnable to
            write to /openils/var/web/js/dojo/fieldmapper, please
            check\nUnable to write to
            /openils/var/web/opac/extras/slimpac, please check",
            "stdout_lines": [
            "Unable to write to /openils/var/web/opac/common/js,
            please check",
            "Unable to write to /openils/var/web/js/dojo/fieldmapper,
            please check",
            "Unable to write to /openils/var/web/opac/extras/slimpac,
            please check"

            I will try it one more time from build. But maybe you
            meet already this issue.

            I use for build kvm virtual machine with Ubuntu LTS 22.04
            and actual <>. everything is
            running under user added in docker group.

            Many thanks for all your inputs


            (a guy which build docker images for Linda's dinner)

            On Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 4:32 PM Blake Graham-Henderson
            via Evergreen-general
            <> wrote:


                The images that we've posted to dockerhub were not
                built with i18n turned on. That switch needs to have
                been set to "yes" during the build process. Which
                means, you'll probably want to build your own docker
                image instead of using the pre-made images.


                Building your own image is done like this:

                1. Clone the git repository that does the work:

                git clone

                2. Customize the vars.yml to suit your needs

                cd eg-docker/generic-dockerhub
                vi vars.yml

                The main two variables are:
                  ubuntu_version: focal
                  evergreen_version: 3.9.1

                I'd change evergreen_version to: 3.11.1

                You're also interested in this setting:
                add_evergreen_language_support: no

                If you change that setting to "yes" - it will cause
                the build to edit the eg_vhost.conf file during the

                But* if you already have an eg_vhost.conf file that
                you would like to use, then leave that setting "no"
                and copy your eg_vhost.conf file directly into the
                generic-dockerhub folder.

                You'll need to make one more change in order to
                incorporate your eg_vhost.conf:

                # edit Dockerfile
                vi Dockerfile

                Add this line:
                ADD eg_vhost.conf /egconfigs/eg_vhost.conf

                Put that line right above this line:
                RUN cd /egconfigs && ansible-playbook
                install_evergreen.yml -v -e "hosts="

                so it should look like this:

                ADD vars.yml /egconfigs/vars.yml
                ADD install_evergreen.yml
                ADD evergreen_restart_services.yml
                ADD restart_post_boot.yml
                ADD eg_vhost.conf /egconfigs/eg_vhost.conf
                RUN cd /egconfigs && ansible-playbook
                install_evergreen.yml -v -e "hosts="
                ENTRYPOINT cd /egconfigs && ansible-playbook
                evergreen_restart_services.yml -vvvv -e
                "hosts=" && while true; do sleep 1; done
                #ENTRYPOINT while true; do sleep 1; done

                Now, you're ready to build your own docker image.
                Like this:

                docker build \
                --add-host public.localhost: \
                --add-host public: \
                --add-host private.localhost: \
                --add-host private: \
                . --no-cache

                You do need to be in the generic-dockerhub folder
                when you run that command

                It will take about 15 minutes to complete. Once
                completed, Docker will report the sha hash of the
                image that you just built. You can see it with this

                docker images

                Now that you have your own image. You can start an
                Evergreen server from it. Like this:

                |docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 210:210 -p
                6001:6001 -p 32:22 -p 5433:5432 -h
                <> <your_new_image_sha_hash>
                Watch it boot up, and make sure it finishes. You will
                know that it finishes when you see the "PLAY RECAP"
                line, and there should be 0 fails. You can safely
                disconnect from the container leaving it running
                using the magic key combination: ctrl+pq (NOT ctrl+c,
                that will kill it) |

                Now that I've said all of that, and you're going to supply your 
own eg_vhost.conf file, it might be faster to use the pre-built image from 
dockerhub, boot it up,
                then replace the eg_vhost.conf file located in the container, 
and restart apache2.

                So that would look like this:

                1. Start docker with the community container:
                |docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 210:210 -p
                6001:6001 -p 32:22 -p 5433:5432 -h

                2. Wait for it to finish starting (look for that PLAY RECAP line, and 
confirm "0 fail"). Press ctrl+pq.

                3. SSH into the container

                ssh -p 32 user@localhost

                the password is "password"

                3a. Alternatively, you can attach to the container using "docker 

                docker exec -it `docker ps -q` bash

                4. Once you're on the shell of the container, you need to make 
your edits to:

                note: vi is not installed in the container, you might have to 
install vi:

                apt-get update && apt-get install -y vim

                vi /etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf
                (make changes)

                Save the file

                5. Restart apache

                /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

                That should do it!

                Good luck. Feel free to ask questions!

                Conducting Magic
                Will consume any data format

                On 8/11/2023 8:17 AM, Jane Sandberg via
                Evergreen-general wrote:
                That is very mysterious!

                These steps worked for me to add the 950 db seed in
                French within a docker container:

                docker exec -it [container_name] bash
                cd /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen
                make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install
                su opensrf
                cd build/i18n
                mkdir locale
                make newpot
                make LOCALE=fr-CA updatepo
                exit # go back to root user
                cd /home/opensrf/repos/Evergreen/build/i18n && make
                LOCALE=fr-CA install
                su evergreen
                psql -f

                El vie, 11 ago 2023 a la(s) 05:51, Linda Jansová
                ( escribió:

                    Thank you very much, Jane!

                    We currently use the dev tag (but we may also
                    try some other non-dev tags as you have
                    suggested :-); actually, it seems that the
                    language selector in the OPAC correctly appears
                    after a couple of reloads, then - for a couple
                    of other reloads - it disappears only to appear
                    again after some more reloads ;-).

                    It definitely works in mysterious ways so far;
                    we would probably also need to add the 950 db
                    seed with French (and Czech) translations. Any
                    ideas how to do this correctly?


                    On 8/11/23 14:25, Jane Sandberg wrote:
                    Hi Linda,

                    What tag of the Evergreen container are you
                    using?  I believe that the instructions under
                    "Restarting Evergreen services" are only
                    applicable to the "dev" tag (i.e. if you ran
                    `docker run
                    [...] mobiusoffice/evergreen-ils:dev`). If you
                    don't specify a tag, it defaults to the
                    "latest" tag, which doesn't contain the
                    file-based restart/recompile methods.

                    I typically use the non-dev tags, using the
                    following steps to restart apache.
                    Theoretically, they should work if you are
                    using the dev tag too, but I haven't tried them:

                    1. docker ps # this will show the name of the
                    running container
                    2. docker exec -it [container_name] bash # this
                    will provide a shell within the running
                    container. For example, if step 1 had mentioned
                    that the running Evergreen container is named
                    "peaceful_spence", it would be `docker exec -it
                    peaceful_spence bash`
                    3. apache2ctl restart # simply restarts apache.
                    When I need to restart all services, I use
                    /egconfigs/evergreen_restart_services.yml -e
                    hosts=""` instead.

                    Hope this helps,


                    El vie, 11 ago 2023 a la(s) 04:28, Linda
                    Jansová via Evergreen-general

                        Dear all,

                        We have just started experimenting with a
                        Docker container
                        mainly to see whether it could help us
                        identify what causes i18n issues reported
                        in a separate thread (with a subject
                        "Evergreen 3.11.0a not properly switching
                        into Czech in the staff client").

                        At this point we are a bit stuck as we
                        would like to make appropriate i18n changes
                        to the eg_vhost.conf file and then make
                        them visible both in the OPAC and in the
                        staff client.

                        We have uncommented lines related to French
                        translation (just to see if it works before
                        we would make a deep dive into Czech) and
                        restarted Evergreen as described at
                        (under the heading "Restarting Evergreen
                        services") but it doesn’t seem to change
                        anything in the OPAC.

                        How exactly should we proceed?

                        (Maybe a more specific piece of
                        documentation that would answer our
                        question is available somewhere; in that
                        case, sharing a URL would be great :-).)

                        Thank you in advance!


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