Has anyone on the list experienced personal elevations into

one or more of these parallel universes, I have and would like to exchange info

mechanically (even allowing infinite resources) generate a world.<

JC: Hmmm..but then if such worlds are not effective objects, how
that this is
incorrect.  Can you show why it is incorrect?  Thanks,
Norman Samish

Well, I was elaborating on Bruno's statement that worlds ("maximal consistent set of propositions") of a FS are not computable; that even given infinite resources (ie. infinite time) it is not possible to generate a "complete" world. This suggests to me that it is *not* the case that given infinite time, eveything that can happen must happen. I must admit this is not my area of expertise; but it seems to me that the only other option of defining a world (identifying it with the FS itself) will, by Godel's incompleteness theorem, necessitate that there exist unprovable true propositions of world; the world will be incomplete, so again, not everything that can happen will happen.


Jonathan Colvin

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