On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 01:33:37PM -0700, John M wrote:
> Russell, you 'opem' and 'close' a system? Why woulod
> you close it, once it is already open? and how would
> you find it again, when it is closed?

Usually because it doesn't move :) Consider something inside a
shielded container in a vacuum - many physics experiments are like

Closedness, of course is an idealisation of the real system.

> And how do you assess those "closed system laws", if
> no info goes in or out? (need an intelligent design?)

As I said - by measuring the system at two points, in between which
the system is closed. How the system evolves between those points in
time will be closed system evolution.

> Is OUR time-scale valid to the inside of an unknowable
> closed system? You decide as you need - see below,

What is an unknowable closed system?

> I segregated the black-hole type phantasms which allow
> action INTO them - and Hawkins had to make allowance

Caution - misspelling Stephen Hawkings' name is considered a sure sign
of a crank (I can't seem to lay my hands on the ref here...)

> even for them to 'release' SOME information as I
> understand. Well, these things are our brainchildren,
> not 'ntaure's' so we identify them as we need it.
> John M 

Are you saying black holes are meant to be closed systems? I would
have thought otherwise, unless it is isolated from the rest of the
universe in some way.

A/Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 8308 3119 (mobile)
Mathematics                                    0425 253119 (")
UNSW SYDNEY 2052                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
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