John Mikes wrote:
Tom Caylor wrote:
This looks like Tarski's trick to me.  It is an act of faith any
time we take what we say as truth.
On 12/24/06, *Brent Meeker* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote: "When I take what I say to be true
based on evidence it is not a matter of faith" JM: it is based on
your faith in your evidence and its truth.

"My" evidence, being empirical, can be checked by others. Hence I needn't threaten with hellfire or obfuscate with metaphor - I can let the evidence speak for itself. If I'm right I'll be confirmed - if I'm not I'll change my opinion.
A religious person accepts
as evidence "God said so" - of course it is based on HIS faith, and
so are physicists evidencing by collapse of wave function, .by
calculations on the inflation after the BB, and other kind of 'scientists' (believing) in the tenets of their (today's) science,
just as (in Ptolemy-time) on the flatness of the Earth.

If a religious person has considered the evidence and decided that some writing in a holy 
book, or a voice out of the clouds, is God speaking, I'd say that's not faith.  But the 
Abrahamic religions have explicitly rejected "evaluation of the evidence" and 
raised blind faith to a virtue.

“When we come to believe, we have no desire to believe  anything else, for we 
begin by believing that there is nothing else  which we have to believe….  I 
warn people not to seek for anything  beyond what they came to believe, for 
that was all they needed to  seek for. In the last resort,  however, it is 
better for you to remain ignorant, for fear that you  come to know what you 
should not know….  Let curiosity give place to  faith, and glory to salvation.  
Let them at least be no hindrance, or  let them keep quiet.  To know nothing 
against the Rule [of faith] is  to know everything.”
        --- Tertullian

"Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of
his Reason."
      --- Martin Luther

Brent Meeker

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