On 3/7/07, Stathis Papaioannou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/7/07, Brent Meeker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tom Caylor wrote:
> >
> > > I agree with the Russell quote as it stands.  Unendingness is not what
> > > gives meaning.  The source of meaning is not "living forever" in time
> > > (contrary to the trans-humanists) but is timeless.  However, the quote
> >
> > > makes a bad assumption when it talks about losing value.  The real
> > > problem is how there can be any true objective value to love in the
> > > first place (other than the so-called "irrefutable" first person:
> > > "It's all about me").
> >
> > Why should there be?  Values are relative to people.  Love is our
> > word.  We invented it to describe what we feel.  Having some Platonic form
> > of LOVE out there is superfluous.  You're just making up a requirement for
> > "the really real ding-an-sich" so that you can say God provides it.
> >
> You could replace "love" with "chocolate" and "God" with "the chocolate
> fairy". You can claim that while the reason people like chocolate can be
> explained in terms of chemistry, physiology, evolutionary biology etc., only
> the chocolate fairy can give ultimate meaning to the chocolate eating
> experience.
> Stathis Papaioannou

I hope that didn't come across as facetious, Tom. These are serious
questions and I appreciate the opportunity to discuss them with an
intelligent and scientifically well-informed theist.


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