Tom Caylor wrote:
> On Mar 8, 4:14 pm, "Stathis Papaioannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 3/9/07, Tom Caylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
>>>>> You could replace "love" with "chocolate" and "God" with "the
>>> chocolate
>>>>> fairy". You can claim that while the reason people like chocolate can
>>> be
>>>>> explained in terms of chemistry, physiology, evolutionary biology
>>> etc., only
>>>>> the chocolate fairy can give ultimate meaning to the chocolate eating
>>>>> experience.
>>> Actually if all we're talking about is first-person experience and
>>> personal tastes, then there would be cause for alarm if someone is
>>> claiming that there's some normative rules governing them.  I agree:
>>> How could any such normative rules ever be verified as being the
>>> "right" way of interpreting things?  Not! This is not what I am
>>> talking about.  You need to look at the *whole* control loop in order
>>> to be able to talk about sharable 3rd person meaning.
>>> Personal feelings of "oo that's good" or "bleah" are fine for what
>>> they are, but are they sufficient as the total input into our decision
>>> making system?  Without real morality the answer *must* be yes.  As in
>>> Russell Standish's post, the answer *must* be that "whatever I
>>> *happen* (for no reason that I need to worry about) to feel is good
>>> stuff, is good stuff".  Marquis de Sade with no escape.
>> It's not just personal tastes, but also second order feelings about the
>> tastes. Consider the importance attached to the Japanese tea ceremony, for
>> example. If there is a strong feeling in the tea ceremony participant that
>> they are not just engaging in a cultural quirk but doing something of
>> profound significance, this does not mean there is a supernatural source for
>> this significance. Psychological factors are necessary and sufficient to
>> explain it, and to explain morality as well.
>> Stathis Papaioannou
> It seems that you are missing my point.  I will better explain my
> point about "the whole control loop".   Personal tastes and second
> order feelings about the tastes are all on the *input* side of our
> system of consciousness.  But the input is not the whole system.
> Instead of saying "are personal feelings sufficient as the total input
> into our decision making system?" I should have said "are personal
> feelings (and other interpretations of inputs) sufficient to make up
> our decision making system", actually our whole system of
> consciousness?
> Here a diagram would be useful.  The reductionist tendency seems to be
> to lump all of consciousness into the "input interpretting" box and
> "explain it" in terms of smaller parts making up an autonomous
> machine.  Hence, now that it is all explained and we are a machine,
> there is no room for real morality and we can do whatever we want.  (I
> think I heard an Amen! from Brent.)
> That's fine for those of us who are older and have one foot still back
> in the days when our parents believed in something that was based on
> ultimate meaning and reality.  Hence we know what we want.  But what
> about the future generations? The big question for them is, "What are
> we supposed to want?"  

Wrong question.  The question is what do you want?  What's going to be a life 
well lived?  What epitaph do you want on your tombstone?

>We answer, "Whatever you want!"  See the
> circularity?  

Yes - you're going around in circles because you think you need "ultimate 
purpose" to have any purpose at all.

By lumping everything into the "input interpretting" box
> and explaining it, we have left the "output creating" box totally
> undefined.  

No, I want to create things.  I get a lot my satisfaction in life by creating 
things.  It's part of what I want.

Brent Meeker
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child 
is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can." 
        ---- Frank Zappa

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