Le 07-juin-07, à 15:47, Torgny Tholerus a écrit :

>  Bruno Marchal skrev:Le 04-juin-07, à 14:10, Torgny Tholerus a écrit :
>>> Pain is the same thing as the pain center in the brain being 
>>> stimulated.
>>  In the best case your theory will work for you and other "zombie". 
>> It cannot work for those who admit the 1/3 distinction or the 
>> mind/body apparent distinction.
>>  You are on the fringe of being an eliminativist philosopher. What I 
>> do appreciate is that you offer your theory for yourself. Let me ask 
>> you explicitly this question, which I admit is admittedly weird to 
>> ask to a zombie, but: do you think *we* are conscious?
>  When I look at you (in 3rd person view), I see that you are 
> constructed in exactly the same way as I am.  So I know why you say 
> that you are conscious.  I know nothing sure about you, but the most 
> probable conclusion is that you are equally unconscious as I am.

Actually I do think like Quentin. I don't think you can *know* anything 
if you are not conscious. Knowing is a sort of truth awareness, albeit 
incommunicable as such.

>  What is the philosophical term for persons like me, that totally deny 
> the existence of the consciousness?

An eliminativist.
(But I don't understand what you mean by "persons like me", which is a 
first person notion in need of some implicit notion of consciousness).

In some country, until rather recently, some doctor did operate babies 
without anesthesia, because they did believe that baby are not 
conscious. Now, they have changed their mind, and babies are treated by 
surgeon with anesthesia. Does this controverse makes sense for someone 
who deny totally the existence of consciousness?

>  (I also deny the existence of infinity...)

If you deny only what is called in the literature the "actual 
infinite", that is the idea of a close and well defined infinite entity 
or set, then you could be an intuitionist, or a finitist, or a 
computationalist. What I call "comp", or digital mechanism, is called 
"finitism" by Judson Webb (ref in my thesis or any of my papers).

If you deny the potential infinite as well, (that is the idea that some 
set can be generated forever although not in any actual form, like when 
se say: {1, 2, 3 *ETC*}, then you belong to the few who are 
"ultrafinitist".  I don't believe that the very notion of ultrafinitism 
could be defined in any ultrafinitist way, unless you are materialist 
and physicalist, meaning that when you say that you don't believe in 
infinity, you really are only saying that you don't believe in *primary 
physical*  infinities. Note that by UDA, comp or finitism entails there 
are no physical primary entities at all, neither finite nor infinite.



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