This is completely arbitrary and history does not show this.


2007/6/22, Mark Peaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> CDES = Compassion, Democracy, Ethics, and Scientific method
> These are prerequisites for the survival of civilisation.
> Regards
> Mark Peaty  CDES
> David Nyman wrote:
> > On Jun 21, 8:03 pm, Mark Peaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> I always come back to the simplistic viewpoint that
> >> relationships are more fundamental than numbers, but
> >> relationships entail existence and difference.
> >
> > I sympathise.  In my question to Bruno, I was trying to establish
> > whether the 'realism' part of 'AR' could be isomorphic with my idea of
> > a 'real' modulated continuum (i.e. set of self-relationships).  But I
> > suspect the answer may well be 'no', in that the 'reality' Bruno
> > usually appeals to is 'true' not 'concrete'.  I await clarification.
> >
> >> Particles of matter are knots,
> >> topological self entanglements of space-time which vary in their
> >> properties depending on the number of self-crossings and
> >> whatever other structural/topological features occur.
> >
> > Yes, knot theory seems to be getting implicated in this stuff.  Bruno
> > has had something to say about this in the past.
> >
> >> If an
> >> mbrane interpenetrates another, this would provide
> >> differentiation and thus the beginnings of structure.
> >
> > Yes, this may be an attractive notion.  I've wondered about myself.
> > 'Interpenetration' - as a species of interaction - still seems to
> > imply that different 'mbranes' are still essentially the same 'stuff'
> > - i.e. modulations of the 'continuum' - but with some sort of
> > orthogonal (i.e. mutually inaccessible) dimensionality
> >
> > PS - Mark, what is CDES?
> >
> >

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