The question was "what's in your head...?"

If you don't have subjective (inner) experiences... then yes, you are
a zombie, and you should go to a museum... You 'll be then the first
real zombie on earth !


2007/6/11, Torgny Tholerus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Mohsen Ravanbakhsh skrev:
> What is the subjective experience then?
>  The "subjective experience" is just some sort of behaviour.  You can make
> computers show the same sort of behavior, if the computers are enough
> complicated.
>  --
>  Torgny Tholerus
> On 6/8/07, Torgny Tholerus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The question, as I see it, is if there is anything "more" than just atoms
> reacting with each other in our brains.  I claim that there is not anything
> "more".  The atoms reacting with each other explain fully my (and your...)
> behaviour.  Our brains are very complicated structures, but it is nothing
> supernatural with them.  Physics explains everything.
> >
>  >

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