Youness Ayaita wrote:
> Directly speaking: Since all observers must expect to get their next
> observer moments out of the same ensemble of observer moments, there
> is no reason to insist on different preferences.

Youness, ASSA does not mean what you think, that "all observers must expect 
to get their next observer moments out of the same ensemble of observer 
moments." What it actually says is that each observer should reason as if 
his observer moment was randomly selected from some distribution.

ASSA doesn't say anything about what to expect for the "next" observer 
moment. The type of reasoning you can do with ASSA does not depend on the 
concept of a "next" observer moment at all.

I think what you have done is created a new philosophical assumption, that 
says each observer should act (as opposed to reason) as if he expects his 
next observer moment to be randomly selected from a universal distribution. 
(This is a bit reminiscent to John Rawls's veil of ignorance.) To avoid 
confusion, let's call it something else besides ASSA.

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