On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 06:11:32PM -0700, Wei Dai wrote:
> Youness Ayaita wrote:
> > Directly speaking: Since all observers must expect to get their next
> > observer moments out of the same ensemble of observer moments, there
> > is no reason to insist on different preferences.
> Youness, ASSA does not mean what you think, that "all observers must expect 
> to get their next observer moments out of the same ensemble of observer 
> moments." What it actually says is that each observer should reason as if 
> his observer moment was randomly selected from some distribution.

This is actually the SSSA, as originally defined by Bostrom. The ASSA
is the SSSA applied to "next observer moments".

I don't think Youness is meaning "acting" when he says "expect". I
expect he means "reason" :)

> ASSA doesn't say anything about what to expect for the "next" observer 
> moment. The type of reasoning you can do with ASSA does not depend on the 
> concept of a "next" observer moment at all.
> I think what you have done is created a new philosophical assumption, that 
> says each observer should act (as opposed to reason) as if he expects his 
> next observer moment to be randomly selected from a universal distribution. 
> (This is a bit reminiscent to John Rawls's veil of ignorance.) To avoid 
> confusion, let's call it something else besides ASSA.

Lets not. Let's use Bostrom's orginal term SSSA for what you think the
ASSA is.


A/Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
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