Kim Jones wrote:
> On 10/01/2009, at 6:37 PM, Brent Meeker wrote:
>> The question is how is the simulated observer made conscious of the  
>> passage of
>> (simulated) time.  If you just look a momentary machine states,  
>> ignoring their
>> causal/temporal relations, how will they create the consciousness of  
>> time in the
>> simulated observer?
>> Brent
> But does it make any difference whether the observer is simulated or  
> not? 

But the question is what constitutes an adequate simulation.  Can it be the 
existence of disjoint states or must there be a causal connection between the 
states or is some implicit order enough?  How does the "time" get simulated?


>I've been assuming all along that my "reality" might be a  
> "simulated" one from your POV. You could (without me knowing for sure  
> but perhaps suspecting it) be projecting my entire reality for my (and  
> almost certainly, your) benefit. Without you fiddling the knobs and  
> faders behind the scenes I don't even exist.
> Time exists where the conscious mind attributes or senses "meaning".  
> Because everything can ultimately be derived from everything else, it  
> makes sense that time is like a kind of "white noise of meaning" of  
> all perceived OMs.
> If that isn't too Shirley McLaine
> regards,
> Kim
> > 

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