Stathis, List,

> if a backup was made an hour ago, since I (the presently speaking I)
> will not be able to anticipate any future experiences. Only if there

As Bruno said in a previous post, what we should care about in personal 
survival is not concrete memories (although memories are essential to 
anchor a person in reality) but rather something else (values, insights etc)

In your example, living for an hour will not necessarily accrete much
experience or new insights which you would like to share with your 
future self or others. So, indeed, death does not matter (apart from 
ethical considerations which are not at issue now, but only personal 
identity) for the one hour duplicate, and you can also take the 
amnesia-inducing medication.

On the other hand, if you had an insight in exactly that hour: let's 
say, you've been working on a scientific problem for ten years, and in 
that hour you (the duplicate) saw something which sparked something in 
your brain that led you to a solution (and you know it was due to the 
extreme situation, and the other you will not have this insight), then 
you should worry very much. If you are annihilated, something important 
is lost (for yourself, for others).

The issue that we are very reluctant to die if our backup is ten years
old but need not worry so much if we backed up one hour ago is simply 
the heuristic that in one hour we don't change so much, but in ten years 
we often change so much that we indeed become a very _different_ person.

So, what counts is change, not "objective" time.

What we _are_ is I think more about what we (can) _become_, rather than 
a single snapshot at time t_0. And if this becoming is lost, that is the 
true tragedy.

Best Wishes,

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