Why would someone's IQ rating be a recommendation of anything about  

People like Langan long ago fell into the "Intelligence Trap". They  
have an exaggerated need to be "right" about everything all the time.  
They are usually unable to think about anything from a perspective  
other than the one they long ago decided was the "right" perspective.

They don't know how to listen to others. They are usually unable to  
restructure the available information in such a way that they can draw  
new perspectives from it. Please do not extoll the virtues of anything  
as anachronistic and mythical as somebody's supposed "high IQ". I  
could put a thinking test in front of him that would defeat him  
totally, yet be easily done by a 7 year old.

Kim Jones

On 31/05/2009, at 9:16 AM, russell standish wrote:

>> Obviously the main reason to pay much attention to it is that Langan
>> has an IQ of between 190 and 210.  Which kept me going past the first
>> paragraph, which is when I would otherwise have stopped.

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