2010/1/15 Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com>:

> I would think the business is operating a scam and possibly report them for
> making deceptive claims in advertising.  There is no difference between the
> economy or first class tickets other than price and so I would go with the
> economy level ticket.  I don't see how this is related, however, to the
> distinction between you being a single timeless OM, and only that OM, and
> you being a collection of, (possibly all) OMs.  Once someone admits personal
> identity can be composed of multiple OMs it becomes a very unclear where to
> draw the line on where that person ends and another begins.

But personal identity is composed of multiple OM's anyway, even if
there's just one biological version of you who lives and eventually
dies in a single physical universe. You had a moment of experience
THEN and another moment of experience NOW: two OM's. Are they two
single timeless OM's or are they both part of the stream of
consciousness of the one individual? The distinction is meaningless.
OM's will either seem to be connected or disconnected due to their
content. I like to say that each OM exists independently and
transiently and continuity of consciousness is an illusion, because it
simplifies questions about personal identity.

> Consider
> evolution through time, and through the multi-verse, alternate you's in
> other branches where you differ so little that even you could not tell
> yourself apart.  It forms a spectrum that could in extremely small steps
> connect you to any other person, so under that view where can you draw the
> line?  How many genes or how many memories must differ for you not to be
> you?

There's no clear answer. This is where the idea that we live only
transiently is helpful: there is no fact-of-the-matter about who is me
and who isn't since none of them are me, but we can talk about under
what circumstances the illusion of continuity of identity would be

Stathis Papaioannou
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