On Feb 26, 10:34 am, Brent Meeker <meeke...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> But isn't the EPR experiment a way of avoiding a past constraint.  The
> past constraint is just that the net angular momentum is zero, so there
> is no constraint on the polarization of either photon.  When one is
> measured it can be thought of as sending a message back to the origin
> and forward to the other photon so as to produce the QM correlation.  So
> the amplification takes place on the other particle in the forward
> direction.  Of course you can't send a signal via a correlation.  Here's
> a good discussion of this and some other retrocausation ideas by William
> Wharton:
> file:///G:/Physics/QM/Reverse-causation.htm

I broadly agree with what he's saying, with a couple of caveats. His
insistence that his view *contrasts* with the block universe is rather
puzzling, as is his idea that there is some form of "becoming" in
nature that in some way isn't embedded in space-time (or a multiverse
equivalent) - this appears to be postulating an extra time dimension
in which things change outside the normal one? Also, his comments
about atomic nuclei being in stationary states and therefore not
experiencing time (if that's what he's saying, I may have
misunderstood) seems at odds with the existence of radioactivity.


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