On 09 May 2011, at 05:58, meekerdb wrote:

On 5/8/2011 7:53 PM, Stephen Paul King wrote:

I think that the ‘Surprise 20 Questions’ idea that John Wheeler considered in his famous ‘It from Bit’ paper might be more appropriate. Any OM that is a possible continuance of another OM must not contain information that is inconsistent with any previous OM in its sequence, up to some constant that relates to the upper bound on the resolving power of a typical measurement. We additionally need to consider that possible interactions between physical systems would also constrain the information in the OMs such that no OM in a sequence could contain information that contradicts that of another that is related to some separate but co- existing system. Instead of thinking of the content of OMs in terms of some statistical measure, I think that it might be a better idea to consider exactly how OM are sequenced together such that the White Rabbit problem is minimized. This method is what Pratt uses in his residuation idea in his process dualism solution to the concurrency problem, where each state/event transition occurs so long as both physical conservation laws and logical non-contradiction laws are upheld. It seems to me that this bypasses the measure problem completely.”

It might bypass the measure problem if the world were Newtonian, i.e. deterministic. But QM tells us that it isn't.

The measure problem might be bypassed if the the world were Newtonian, and if we were infinite non Turing emulable entities. Comp prevents this, and QM confirms this.



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