"Chidren can get this by themselves at the age of seven."

Bruno, are you or have you ever been a member of the Theosophist party!

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 2:16 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 05 Jul 2011, at 03:41, B Soroud wrote:
> in other words... I can legitimately claim that something is, but I cannot
> claim that "I am"...
> I distinguish the first person I from the third person I. The first is not
> doubtable (without feeling lying to myself). the second is.
> Chidren can get this by themselves at the age of seven. They often get the
> blues. that is normal. We can feel being alone, but then we can also make
> some leap of faith, in the other, in something.
> Bruno
> being = 1/0 and 1/0 = -1/-0
> in other words.... when we assert self-existence.... we effectively assert
> something and nothing simultaneously.
> so why make such a empty assertion. If it was true you wouldn't have to
> make the assertion. It is your logical construction and nothing more.
> On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Constantine Pseudonymous <
> bsor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, Bruno... i think you have made a grave grave error in assuming
>> self-consciousness as an intuitive indisputable.
>> something is, that is for sure..... but in regards to what is we
>> cannot speak....
>> there is some being, but I want to call this "being" into question.
>> what asserts or negates its existence.... and how is this questionable
>> being distinct from Being as such?
>> You can name-call whatever you want, and you can assert unity... you
>> can make whatever assertions you want in regards to a something....
>> no one denies something is..... but no one says they know what that
>> Something is, or how it is distinct or different from the something
>> that we are.
>> there is us, and there is IT.... two somethings.... one Big and the
>> other small.... what is the difference... and how can we determine the
>> difference if we know next to nothing in regards to either.
>> so I want to say X and x is.... but i want to also show us that in
>> fact x is (being) is.... or in another words is (being) is an x.
>> X = X
>> but that tells us nothing.
>> some people assert a distinction between consciousness and
>> existence... and say that you can't have one without the other.... but
>> don't really define the distinction or they simply claim that they are
>> identical.... well that doesn't really help us.
>> so rather then I AM... i must say Something is... which is like say
>> being is unknown or is = x
>> well we already knew that!
>> On Jun 9, 10:11 pm, Rex Allen <rexallen31...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > > On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Rex Allen <rexallen31...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > >> I'm also fine with block-multiverse.  And with a block-mindscape.
>> >
>> > >> Neither of which allow for free will.  Since both of which are
>> static,
>> > >> unchanging, and unchangeable - making it impossible that anyone
>> "could
>> > >> have done otherwise" than they actually did.  No one can be free of
>> > >> that fact - and therefore no one has free will.
>> >
>> > > 'making it impossible that anyone "could have done otherwise" than
>> they
>> > > actually did.'
>> >
>> > Right.  A necessary (but not sufficient) condition of freedom is that
>> > they must have been able to have done otherwise.
>> >
>> > This alone isn’t sufficient, because "quantum randomness"  (in a
>> > non-block context) also makes it possible that they could have done
>> > otherwise - but random decisions aren't free either.
>> >
>> > > You say it is impossible that anyone could have done otherwise from
>> what
>> > > they did.  Well what determined what they did?  Their mind?  Their
>> biology?
>> > >  Their chemistry?  The physics of the subatomic motions of the
>> particles in
>> > > their brain?
>> >
>> > I don’t think it matters in a “block” context, does it?
>> >
>> > > To say the mind is not doing any decision making because its behavior
>> can be
>> > > explained at a level where the mind's operation cannot be understood,
>> is
>> > > like saying a computer is not computing or a car is not driving,
>> because if
>> > > you look at a computer or a car at a low enough level you see only
>> particles
>> > > moving in accordance with various forces applied to them.
>> >
>> > The ability to make decisions is ubiquitous.  Ants, wasps, lizards,
>> > turtles, mice, dogs - whatever.  They can all be said to make
>> > decisions.  Do ants have free will?
>> >
>> > Even computers can be said to make decisions...and saying that they do
>> > seems just as valid as saying that humans do.  Do the computerized
>> > monitoring and control systems at nuclear power plants have free will?
>> >  If they automatically "decide" to close some valve in response to
>> > sensor readings, are they exercising free will?
>> >
>> > > You can render meaningless almost any subject by describing
>> > > it at the wrong level.
>> >
>> > Wrong?  What would make some level the “wrong” level and another the
>> > “right” level?
>> >
>> > If a subject *can* be described at some level (or should be
>> > describable in theory), then that has to be of some significance,
>> > doesn’t it?
>> >
>> > If human behavior ought to be describable at the level of quarks and
>> > electrons, just as computer behavior ought to be describable at the
>> > level of quarks and electrons, and just as rock behavior ought to be
>> > describable at the level of quarks and electons - then this shared
>> > “describability” has to tell us something significant - doesn’t it?
>> >
>> > The fact that all of these things are describable at the same level,
>> > the level of quarks and electrons, surely this means something.
>> >
>> > If humans could *not* be described at the level of quarks and
>> > electrons, but computers could, *that* would definitely tell us
>> > something significant, wouldn’t it?
>> >
>> > > You might as well say there is no meaningful difference between a
>> > > cat and a rock, since they are after all, just electrons and quarks.
>> >
>> > There’s a meaningful difference between a cat and a rock - *to me*.
>> > But maybe not in any other sense.
>> >
>> > > If you describe the mind at the correct level, you find it is making
>> > > decisions.
>> >
>> > I can interpret it that way, yes.  Or I can interpret it as just
>> > moving through a sequence of states.
>> >
>> > I can interpret it either way I want, as the whim strikes me.  It’s
>> > like looking at the picture of the candlestick and then seeing the two
>> > faces.  I can go back and forth between the two interpretations.  I’m
>> > flexible that way.
>> >
>> > The interpretation that the mind is making decisions is not *forced* on
>> me.
>> >
>> > Can you interpret the mind as just moving through a sequence of
>> > states?  Maybe if you concentrate?
>> >
>> > > You say it is impossible that the decision it makes could have
>> > > been otherwise.  This is good for the mind, it means it is guaranteed
>> that
>> > > its will is carried out.
>> >
>> > It also means that the mind’s will is not free.
>> >
>> > > That said, I don't mean to say there are not interesting implications
>> for
>> > > some of the concepts discussed on this list, such as the definition of
>> > > personal identity or the view that we are all part of one
>> mind/self/soul.
>> >
>> > Part of the same mind/self/soul?  That doesn’t sound too plausible to
>> > me.  If it were true in any meaningful way, I think I would have
>> > noticed.
>> >
>> > Though, it may be true in the same way that we could be part of the
>> > same zip code or something.
>> >
>> > >  Regarding personal identity, does it make sense to punish the 50 year
>> old
>> > > man with a prison sentence if it was a different person who committed
>> the
>> > > act 20 years ago?  (If you regard the two as different persons).
>>  Further,
>> > > is there any role of punishment / retribution in the justice system
>> when had
>> > > we been born in another persons shoes we would have made the same
>> decisions
>> > > and ended up in the same place as that person?  If ultimately we are
>> the
>> > > same person, we should have much more compassion and understanding for
>> > > others and their actions.
>> >
>> > Generally, I think a more mechanistic view of human behavior would
>> > (ironically?) result in a more humane society.
>> >
>> > A more mechanistic view would reduce the impulse to take things
>> > personally, and would encourage a more pragmatic, less emotional
>> > approach to solving society’s problems - and to dealing with each
>> > other.
>> >
>> > Of course, anything can be taken too far - and usually is - but still
>> > it seems to me like the right direction to steer towards.
>> >
>> > Compatibilism, however, totally short circuits that, and to no good end.
>> >
>> > Brent said, in an earlier thread:
>> >
>> > “That's like telling gays they should be happy with ‘civil unions’.
>> > 'Free will', meaning free of coercion and compulsion, as used in law,
>> > is useful concept referred to in many, many decisions which set
>> > precedents - just as 'marriage' appears in many laws and regulations.
>> > So there are excellent reasons of understanding to keep it.  If you
>> > are a determinist, then compatibilism is the theory that shows this
>> > legal meaning is compatible with determinism; so you don't have to
>> > give it up and reinterpret hundreds of years of law and social
>> > discourse.”
>> >
>> > I think that given the vast amount that has been learned in the last
>> > 100 years, there is a definite need to reinterpret the hundreds of
>> > years of law and social discourse that permeates society, but which
>> > isn’t informed by this recent knowledge.
>> >
>> > One can say that what we have works, and if it ain’t broke don’t fix
>> > it - but I think this is a much easier position to take when you’re on
>> > top of the pile than when you’re on the bottom of it.
>> >
>> > It’s ironic that in that same post he used gays in his example, given
>> > how common it is for social conservatives (in the US) to condemn
>> > homosexuality as a sinful “choice”, denying that it has any biological
>> > basis.
>> >
>> > Until the 2003 Supreme Court decision in Lawrence vs. Texas, many US
>> > states still had sodomy laws on the books and were occasionally
>> > prosecuting them.
>> >
>> > That’s the kind of discrimination and irrationality that compatibilism
>> > provides cover for.  That’s the “hundreds of years of law and social
>> > discourse” that Brent doesn’t want to give up.
>> >
>> > (I’m not actually accusing Brent of holding any particular position,
>> > btw.  Just making a point!)
>> >
>> > Rex
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