On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 2:56 AM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 6, 11:26 am, Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why do you assume that people you interact with online, such as me,
>> aren't just random glitches in the Internet?
> Because I have no reason to suspect that they aren't people. On my
> blog I get spammed with fake users several times a week and I do have
> to take a deeper look at the content of their blog and make a judgment
> call as to whether they are bot-generated. Sometimes it takes a while
> to tell the difference between a real user and a spam user made from
> an unfamiliar template. Some users are rather mechanical, only posting
> reblogs of common images and never commenting personally, so they
> could very well be clever bot templates.

When you are online you don't analyse the biochemical make-up of you
interlocutor, but you still come to a conclusion as to whether they
are intelligent or not. If in doubt you can always ask a series of
questions: I'm sure you are confident in your ability to tell the
difference between a person and a bot. But there may come a time when
it is impossible in general to tell the difference, and then we will
have human level AI (soon after we will have superhuman AI and soon
after that the human race may be supplanted, but that's a separate

> I don't understand what all of this debate over how intelligence seems
> from the outside has to do with how it is experienced from the inside.
> Here's a thought experiment for the anti-zombie. If I study randomness
> and learn to impersonate machine randomness perfectly, have I become a
> machine? Have I lost sentience? Why not?

Intelligence can fake non-intelligence, but non-intelligence can't
fake intelligence.

Stathis Papaioannou

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