Hi.  I used to post to this list but haven't in a long time.  I'm
a biochemist but like to think about the question of "Why is there
something rather than nothing?" as a hobby.  If you're interested,
some of my ideas on this question and on  "Why do things exist?",
infinite sets and on the relationships of all this to mathematics and
physics are at:


An abstract of the "Why do things exist and Why is there something
rather than nothing?" paper is below.

    Thank you in advance for any feedback you may have.

Roger Granet                                                                    


   In this paper, I propose solutions to the questions "Why do things
exist?" and "Why is there something rather than nothing?"  In regard
to the first question, "Why do things exist?", it is argued that a
thing exists if the contents of, or what is meant by, that thing are
completely defined.  A complete definition is equivalent to an edge or
boundary defining what is contained within and giving “substance” and
existence to the thing.  In regard to the second question, "Why is
there something rather than nothing?", "nothing", or non-existence, is
first defined to mean: no energy, matter, volume, space, time,
thoughts, concepts, mathematical truths, etc.; and no minds to think
about this lack-of-all.  It is then shown that this non-existence
itself, not our mind's conception of non-existence, is the complete
description, or definition, of what is present.  That is, no energy,
no matter, no volume, no space, no time, no thoughts, etc.,  in and of
itself, describes, defines, or tells you, exactly what is present.
Therefore, as a complete definition of what is present, "nothing", or
non-existence, is actually an existent state.  So, what has
traditionally been thought of as "nothing", or non-existence, is, when
seen from a different perspective, an existent state or "something".
Said yet another way, non-existence can appear as either "nothing" or
"something" depending on the perspective of the observer.   Another
argument is also presented that reaches this same conclusion.
Finally, this reasoning is used to form a primitive model of the
universe via what I refer to as "philosophical engineering".

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