On Aug 29, 9:18 am, Evgenii Rudnyi <use...@rudnyi.ru> wrote:
> On 29.08.2011 14:03 Stathis Papaioannou said the following:
> > On 28/08/2011, at 11:21 PM, Craig Weinberg<whatsons...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> ...
> >> Cells are not just physical and chemical. They are biological too.
> >> That's what you're not seeing. There is a difference. There's
> >> nothing magic about it, it's just that we have a skewed perspective
> >> on it because the biological level gets closer to our own level, so
> >> it seems less objective and mechanical to us. Subjectivity is
> >> completely ordinary and concretely real, but it can only be
> >> described in sensorimotive terms rather than the physical terms we
> >> are used to, like mass, specific gravity, size, etc.
> > A molecule in a cell will behave exactly the same as a molecule
> > anywhere else in the universe. Do you believe otherwise? Do you have
> > any experimental evidence?
> Here you first have to define what a molecule is. It happens to be
> tricky, as it is impossible to define a border between two molecules.
> After all the electron density is everywhere. How for example do you
> split it between two molecules?
> You may be interested to look at Quantum Microbiology
> http://blog.rudnyi.ru/2011/03/quantum-microbiology.html
> In a way one can say that a cell is just one big molecule. Well, we have
> then the same problem to define a border between cells.
> Yet in any case, an individual molecule in vacuum is quite different
> from the same molecule in a solution. And in different solutions the
> properties of the molecule will be also different.

Yes, those are all good points. As far as considering a cell one big
molecule, linguistic categories are maybe even more tricky than
molecules. I might say that a cell is one big molecular process, but
it seems to me that there is a difference between the behavior of a
living cell and the behavior of a dead cell which has a defining
impact on the whole but does not permanently redefine the molecules
which are part of it. Another living cell can still use the molecules
of a dead cell but a dead cell can't use molecules to serve it's
former purposes of growth, division, respiration, or whatever.


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