On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right. That's the same thing I'm saying. When you decide to move your
> hand, that decision corresponds to neurotransmitters firing. It's the
> same thing. Considered from the 1p subjective view it's psychology -
> "I want to reach for that remote control" (because I want to watch
> something on TV). Considered from 3p objective view it's neurology -
> executive processing regions light up efferent neural pathways, etc.
> This is voluntary movement so it is driven by the subject's reasoning
> and not the nervous system's reasoning. If it were the nervous
> system's reasoning, it would be involuntary. Your body needs to warm
> itself up so your nervous system puts your muscles into a shivering
> subroutine. There is an important difference between voluntary and
> involuntary phenomena as far as the subject is concerned, but not any
> inherently discernible difference when the self is viewed as an
> object.

The subject feels he initiates and has control over the voluntary
movement but not the involuntary movement. That's the difference
between them. Both types of movement, however, are completely
determined by the low level behaviour of the matter in the brain,
which can in theory be modeled by a computer. No particle moves unless
it is pushed by another particle or force, otherwise it's magic, like
a table levitating.

Stathis Papaioannou

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