On 8/30/2011 9:41 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
If you deem all phenomena in the
universe to be a priori mechanistic, then that word has no meaning. If
you want it to mean something then you have to allow that some
phenomena are not mechanistic. In that case, if you had to say that
something in the cosmos was not mechanical, what might that something
be if not human feeling, imagination, creativity and free will?

A muddle of meaning and value, words and events. Words have meaning, they refer to other things. The word mechanistic describes certain philosophies or models of the world; namely those in which there is no libertarian free-will. The word is meaningful if you have theories of the world that do include libertarian free-will; whether those worlds exist or not. A mechanistic world model can still accomodate human (and animal) feeling, imagination, creativity and compatibilist free will.


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