On 07 Oct 2011, at 19:45, meekerdb wrote:

On 10/7/2011 6:18 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Indeed with comp, or with other everything type of theories, the problem is that such fantasy worlds might be too much probable, contradicting the observations.

I don't see how probability theory is going to help even if you can prove some canonical measure applies. Suppose our world turns out to be extremely improbable? It still would not invalidate the theory.

Probabilities like that use some absolute self-sampling assumption, which does not make much sense. Comp, like QM, only provide conditional or relative probabilities. Comp can be refuted by predicting anything different for a repeatable experience. If comp predict that an electron weight one ton, then it will be refuted. Comp+the classical theory of knowledge, predicts the whole physics, so it is hard to ever imagine a more easy to refute theory. We have already the logic of measure one. If physics was newtonian or boolean, comp would be refuted already.



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