I dislike thought experiments: they are figments to prove one's point
irrespective of other views (I refrain from writing 'truth' or even
'experimental fact' etc.).
However: two people getting 'conjoined' as a SINGLE organism, both having
different perceived reality
(I will salute a better expression) - meaning acceptance of adjusted input
into their individually fashioned 'mind' working in a personalized genetic
built and in an already accepted experiential mini-solipsism of their
personally adjusted sum of the experiences (?) they received so far, - is
We all are differnt and not malleable into a comon relational mass. We may
have *similar* reflections, SOME, but the 1st pers. understanding is
personal, no matter what the 3rd p. communication contained.
(e.g. your: All experience is a manifestation of perspective.)
I.e.: partial and individual.
 I see a fundamental agreeability with your position (not that is weighs too
much).  My usage of a solipsistic perception (mini, as a matter of fact)
comes from Hales (Au) a long time ago.

It still does not point toward a 'will'.

John M

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Craig Weinberg <>wrote:

> Here’s a little thought experiment about free will. Let’s say that
> there exists a technology which will allow us to completely control
> another person’s neurology. What if two people use this technology to
> control each other? If one person started before the other, then they
> could effectively ‘disarm’ the others control over them preemptively,
> but what if they both began at the exact same time? Would one ‘win’
> control over the other somehow? Would either of them even be able to
> try to win? How would they know if they were controlling the other or
> being controlled to think they are controlling the other?
> I think that what might happen is that where their wills conflict they
> cancel each other out, and where they overlap they would be amplified.
> The result is that the two people would become conjoined as a single
> organism. That might be exactly how neurons hash it out in the brain,
> molecules do it in a cell, atoms do it in a molecule. Add ‘If you
> can’t beat em, join em’ to the list of sensorimotive primitives, along
> with flux and flow, and perspective relationships. All experience is a
> manifestation of perspective. What we see is neither solipsistic
> simulation nor direct observation but rather the direct and actual
> experience of what we can make sense of from the perspective of what
> we are and how we participate in that relation. Our perception is the
> net overlap of all of the sense experience of our subordinate and
> supervening perspectives - whatever contentions and contradictions are
> resolved by joining them.
> --
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