Craig Weinberg wrote:
> Here’s a little thought experiment about free will. Let’s say that
> there exists a technology which will allow us to completely control
> another person’s neurology. What if two people use this technology to
> control each other? If one person started before the other, then they
> could effectively ‘disarm’ the others control over them preemptively,
> but what if they both began at the exact same time? Would one ‘win’
> control over the other somehow? Would either of them even be able to
> try to win? How would they know if they were controlling the other or
> being controlled to think they are controlling the other?
Complete control over anything is simply impossible. Control is just a
feeling and not fundamental.
The closest one can get to controlling the brain is to make it
dysfunctional. It's a bit boring, but the most realistic answer is that both
would fall unconscious, as that is the only result of exerting excessive
control over a brain.
It's the same result as if you try to totally control an ecosystem, or an
economy. It'll destroy the natural order, as control is not a fundamental
ordering principle.

It seems like you think of control or will as something fundamental, and I
don't see any reason to assume that it is. Honestly I that we think that we
have "free", independent will is just the arrogance of our ego that feels it
has to have a fundamentally special place in the universe.
That is not to say that we are predetermined by a material universe, rather
control is just a phenomenon arising in consciousness like all other
phenomena eg feelings and perceptions.

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