On 23 Nov 2011, at 19:17, meekerdb wrote:

On 11/23/2011 4:27 AM, Jason Resch wrote:
The simulation argument:


If any civilization in this universe or others has reached the point where they choose to explore consciousness (rather than or in addition to exploring their environment) then there are super- intelligences which may chooses to see what it is like to be you, or any other human, or any other species. After they generate this experience, they may integrate its memories into the larger super- mind, and therefore there are continuations where you "become one with god". Alternate post-singularity civilizations may maintain individuality, in which case, any one person choosing to experience another being's life will after experiencing that life "awaken" to find themselves in a type of heaven or nirvana offering unlimited freedom, from which they can come back to earth or other physical worlds as they choose (via simulation).

Therefore, even for those that don't survive to see the human race become a trans-humanist, omega-point civilization, and for those that don't upload their brain, there remain paths to these other realities. I think this can address the eternal aging implied by many-worlds: eventually, the probability that you survive by other means, e.g., waking up as a being in a post-singularity existence, exceeds the probability of continued survival through certain paths in the wave function.


Why stop there. Carrying the argument to it's natural conclusion the above has already happened (infinitely many) times and we are now all in the simulation of the super-intelligent beings who long ago discovered that nirvana is too boring.

Why stop there. Carrying to its logical conclusion we are already in all arithmetical emulation, with oracles, right here, there and now.

But that *arithmetical emulation space* is highly structured, and diversely structured according to the points of view.

You need a theory of self-reference, and using the classical (Gödelian one) it is illuminating to see this, in the eyes of the universal (Turing) machine, especially the one who already know (in some precise weak sense) that they are universal. Smullyan's degree four of self- referencial. K4 reasonner, lost in on the island of Knight and knaves, why? that's the fate of universal number in arithmetic, by a theorem known as Gödel diagonalization lemma.

Addition and multiplication entails already universal dreamers. Even universally shared dreams.

At least that is what the 'number' (or combinators, etc.) can already explain, so why not listen to them?



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