On 5/12/2012 10:19 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 9:20 AM, scerir <sce...@libero.it <mailto:sce...@libero.it>> wrote:

    >A few quotes below to dualism from Max Velmans.

    H. Kragh ("Dirac: a Scientific Biography", Cambridge U.P., 1990)
    a 1927 discussion between Dirac, Heisenberg and Born, about what
    actually gives rise to the so called "collapse" (reduction of
    waves packet).
    Dirac said that it is 'Nature' that makes the choice (of measurement
    Born agreed.  Heisenberg however maintained that, behind the collapse,
    and the choice of which 'branch' the wavefunction would be
    followed, there
    was "the free-will of the human observer".

Leibniz, IMO, would also claim that Nature makes the choice, but that his collection of monads perceive (based on their consciousness) what is the best possible wave function choice to obtain the best possible universe. What Leibniz apparently leaves out of his philosophy is that human free-will consciousness can make the world imperfect, perhaps even suicidal. String theory seems consistent with Leibniz in that the discrete balls of compactified dimensions have some monad properties, which is these days what I preach. And I wonder if this could be consistent with COMP, since it's all theological. Richard

Hi Richard,

    We can strip out all the religiosity from Leibniz' ideas.

Leibniz' monads where perseptions themselves, not entities that where conscious and perceived things. What we have previously discussed as "Observer Moments" are a better analogy to what Leibniz had in mind. He did postulate that God arranged them such that their content was always synchronized; this is the "pre-established harmony" (PEH) concept. I think that Leibniz' mistake was to assume that there exists an "absolute" observer" with a "view from nowhere" that defined an objective 3-p. There are strong mathematical inconsistencies with this idea. For one thing, a PEH requires the discovery and application of a solution to an infinite SAT complexity problem, not the mere existence of one.



"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed."
~ Francis Bacon

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