On 27.05.2012 23:04 Stephen P. King said the following:
On 5/27/2012 4:07 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


A good extension. Velmans does not consider such a case but he says
 that the perceptions are located exactly where one perceives them.
In this case, it seems that it should not pose an additional

Hi Evgenii,

This does seem to imply an interesting situation where the
mind/consciousness of the observer is in a sense no longer confined
to being 'inside the skull" but ranging out to the farthest place
where something is percieved. It seems to me that imply a mapping
between a large hyper-volume (the out there) and the small volume of
the brain that cannot be in a one-to-one form. The reflexive idea
looks a lot like a Pullback in category theory and one can speculate
if the dual, the Pushout, is also involved. See
for more.

If you say that mind/consciousness confined to being 'inside the skull' you have exactly the same problem as then you must accept that all three dimensional world that you observe up to the horizon is 'inside the skull'. The mapping problem remains though.


Yes, the third-person view belongs to another observer and Velmans
 plays this fact out. He means that at his picture when a person
looks at the cat, the third-person view means another person who
looks at that cat and simultaneously look at the first person. This
way, two person can change their first-person view to third-person
view. However, it is still impossible to directly observe the
first-person view of another observer. Everything that is possible
in this respect are neural correlates of consciousness.

Does this ultimately imply that the 3-p (third person point of view)
is merely an abstraction and never actually occurring? WE make a big

There is no clear answer in the book (or I have missed it).


Not really. As usual, the positive construction of own philosophy
is weaker as the critique of other philosophies.

Yes, that is true. An already existing target makes for a sharper

In Russian to this end, one says "Ломать не строить, душа не болит". I would translate this idiom as "To destroy something is much easier than to build it, as this way the soul does not hurt".


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