On Sat, Jul 7, 2012  Evgenii Rudnyi <use...@rudnyi.ru> wrote:

> Hawking and Mlodinow start with the statement that free will is illusion

If they said that, and I don't recall that they did, they were being much
too kind in equating the "free will" noise to something as concrete as

> An interesting question is however, where resulting visual mental
> concepts are located.

I find it about as interesting as asking where "big" or the number eleven
is located and shows the same profound misunderstanding of the situation on
so many different levels that it's hard to know where to begin.

> “*Today we know that helium and lithium, atoms whose nuclei contain two
>> and three protons, were also primordially synthesized, in much smaller
>> amounts, when the universe was about 200 seconds old*.”
> > However, is this knowledge or a belief? Assume that there was Big Bang
> described by the M-theory as supposed by the book.
> The Big Bang does not need anything as exotic as M-theory to make that
prediction, from just humdrum nuclear physics, the same ideas that made the
H-bomb, we can calculate that if the universe started from 100% hydrogen,
the simplest element, that was at several hundred billion degrees
Centigrade then in about 200 seconds as a result of fusion reactions you'd
have 74.9% Hydrogen 24.9% Helium and .01% deuterium and 10^-10 % Lithium,
and you can calculate that in the in 13.7 bullion years since then these
percentages should have changed very little, and when know that these are
exactly the observed values we see today. This is far too good a agreement
for it to be coincidence.

 > It well might be that philosophers are less informed about the M-theory
> but

Forget M-theory, most professional philosophers are totally ignorant about
ANY of the huge philosophical developments that have happened in the last
150 years; they know nothing about Quantum Mechanics or Relativity or the
profound works of Godel or Turing, they know that DNA has something to do
with heredity but could not tell you exactly what or how it works, they
don't even know it's digital;  they've heard of Darwin but have only the
haziest understanding of what he said and have even less interest in it;
maybe they know the Universe is expanding but the knowledge that it's
accelerating hasn't trickled down to them yet because that was only
discovered 15 years ago and they're slow learners; they don't even know
that light is a wave of electric and magnetic fields or understand simple
classical mechanics and prefer to talk about the worst physicist who ever
lived, Aristotle. In short most modern philosophers are philosophical

> > In the book, there are many statements against religion.

Thank God!

> comments in Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow,
> “Traditionally these are questions for philosophy, but philosophy is dead.

Philosophy isn't dead but professional philosophers are as good as, they
haven't made a contribution to our understanding of how the world works in
centuries, scientists and mathematicians have had to pick up the slack.

  John K Clark

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