On 8/16/2012 7:00 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
[SPK] You do not have an explanation of interactions in COMP
I have only the quantum logic. This does not change the vaility of the reasoning. You reason like that, Darwin theory fail to predict the mass of the boson, and string theory ignore the problem of how doing a tasting pizza, so those theories are flawed. Comp explains already the quanta and the qualia, but not yet time, space, real numbers, nor pizza and boson. Works for next generations.

Dear Bruno,

Your example of Darwin's theory is deeply flawed, if only because Darwin's theory does not implicitly or explicitly make claims about the ontological status of entities. Yours does! You claim that you don't need to postulate a physical world and yet the presentation of the theory itself requires a physical world, at least to communicate it between our minds. A physical world provides the means to communicate between us, without it nothing occurs. There are no interactions definable without it and therefore comp's explanations are void and muted by your insistence that matter and physicality has to be primitive to be involved. I am only asking you to consider the possibility that both matter and numbers are on the same (non-primitive) level.



"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed."
~ Francis Bacon

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