On 9/2/2012 5:01 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Saturday, September 1, 2012 12:43:50 PM UTC-4, Alberto G.Corona wrote:

    /Where is the revulsion, disgust, and blame - the stigma and shaming...the 
deep and
    violent prejudices? Surely they are not found in the banal evils of game 
theory. ///

    In the book I referred, it is described the evolutionary role of sentiments.
    Sentiments are the result of mostly unconscious processing. See for example 
    cheating detection mechanism in this book, which has been subject to an 
    set of test. and there are many papers about cheater detection. cheater 
detection is
    a module of logical reasoning specialized for situations where a deal can 
be broken.
     It exist because cheater detection is critical in some situations and it 
    necessary to react quickly. Its effect is perceived by the conscious as 
anger of
    fear, depending on the situation.

That's not the point. It doesn't matter how tightly the incidence of sentiment or emotion is bound with evolutionary function, I would expect that given the fact of emotion's existence. The problem that needs to be answered is given a universe of nothing but evolutionary functions, why would or how could anything like an emotion arise?

When an amoeba detects a gradient of salinity and moves in the less saline direction does it have a feeling?


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